Monday, June 8, 2009

So I have an amazing hubby...

Don't ya like the new layout?! We have been talking for the past few months to change it up now that it's been just about 2 years and we will be on the down side of the adoption soon. He's not done yet, but he is totally amazing at this stuff and the amount of knowledge he knows about all of this stuff is astounding to me, I don't even try!!

Drop him a note if you like the new layout!!

Have a great day!



mlsanford said...

Gary this layout is totally amazing just like you and Alli are totally amazing people and I am sorry that you are both in the waiting game and my heart just aches for you too as you both deserve it so very much. See ya soon!

Gary and Allison said...

Thanks Mary!!
~Alli & Gary

Unknown said...

I like the new layout.Totally cool.It is awesome you have the knowledge and passion to do great designs and make it look so good, Gary.
I'm sorry you are waiting.Wish I could take that pain for you. We have you in our prayers.
He must have one very special little girl lined up for you that He is asking you to wait until the perfect time for her to able to line up with you guys. Love you . Liz

Gary and Allison said...

Thanks Liz!!
~Love you too!!
