Thursday, September 24, 2009

You know you're adopting from China when...

I've seen this on a couple of other blog sites. So it wasn't my idea, but it is all true...

You know you're adopting from China when... know that the I-600 & I-171 aren't highways they are the forms you fill out for an adoption.'ve been expecting a baby for 2 years 
(or’ve actually googled what animal has the longest gestation period just to compare it with your own (note—it’s the elephant with just under a 2-year pregnancy-Lucky them!! We're at 28 months!!!! know that waiting for China has nothing to do with Pottery Barn or dishes of any sort.
...your homestudy is followed by a number (i.e. #2 or #3 or #4)

-Ours has been updated and may have to be done again-fingers crossed we don't! never know how many days next month will have. know that babies come in batches.'ve been fingerprinted four times, but never committed a crime. automatically assume everyone who is expecting is having a girl. own new clothing in 18M, 24M, 2T, 3T, and 4T in all 4 seasons (because you don't know when or how big). look twice when you see a ladybug

, and call her by your child's name-"There's an Avery"...
...your due date hasn't changed by days but by years. know that forecast doesn't have anything to do with the weather.'ve waited so long, they rechecked your fingerprints to see if they changed. speak of "that time of month" referring to CCAA updates & referral. love someone you've never met with all your heart.

Hope you enjoyed it!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very funny! :) We had a version of this on our blog a while back as well.
