We did not plan on buying a crib, but we have been looking for awhile. We have been looking at ones in different price ranges and different styles, and we knew the measurements that were acceptable to put one in her room. Thank goodness for our iphones, you can look anything up online when you're anywhere gotta love that!!
We liked one at Pottery Barn kids, another one at Target, and yesterday we were craving mexican food from Moe's so we headed to Syracuse. I had mentioned we should stop into Babies R' Us to look at their baby furniture because they had a sale going on and we were going to be in Syracuse. So we did...
We saw one that we liked, then turned the corner and there it was. The one we loved!!! It is a lifetime crib, so a 3 in 1 crib. It will convert to a daybed, and a full size bed. So it will fit Avery no matter how old she is when we get her. We are very very excited!!! Of course we didn't have the Element with us yesterday, so we're picking it up on Tuesday. We're going to get our Federal fingerprints re-done again (3rd time) in Syracuse on Tuesday so we will pick it up then.
It was a big surprise to us that we found a crib. The price was in the middle of everything we had looked at...so it was really reasonable!!!
We are going to Indiana for Easter and will pick up the high chair we like when we go out there in April. We've looked at the wooden ones out there (Amish made) for the last year and a half, so now it's time to get it! Another exciting Avery purchase!
I am finishing up sewing most of the quilt squares this weekend. Probably all but 2, and my Mom and whoever would like to help will be tying the quilt, and putting the back of it on. I am also going to start a smaller version of the quilt, that we can pack in the suitcase for China (much smaller).
Expecting a new list to be out w/ in the next week and a half-a guesstimation. Avery may not be on that list but I'm hoping she might be...but at least it's something to look forward to.
We are so excited about being in the special needs program and to think and feel that she is so very close. I'm trying not to be too excited because as stated before she may not be on this new list or the next couple of lists. It's just still a waiting game and I don't want to be let down if she's not there.
I do believe that we will choose the child that is meant for us. The child that was by some means beyond our control sent to us, and that we'll know it as soon as we see her.
There is a child destined to be our Avery Lin, and that connection has already been made in our hearts and our minds...we just need to see her picture...
A red thread to China was cast today
From us to a child so far away.
This thread symbolizes an attachment of hearts
That distance alone can't keep us apart.
Her mother and I are caught in a chase
That time alone will bring us to face
This loving young child we want so much to greet
With love in our hearts before we did meet.
This tiny, thin thread may stretch, tangle or fray
But our love for her grows stronger each day.
Through the test of time it won't break or sever
She'll be part of us forever and ever.
With oceans between us, the distance is spanned
By a love that is greather than man could have planned.
For God in His mercy loved her and us
And decided our family would be a great plus.
So for now we'll just love her and pray every day
That God keeps her and loves her for us till we may
Travel to China, that land of great past,
To the side of our daughter, to hold her at last.
An invisible red thread
connects those who are
destined to meet
regardless of time,
place or circumstance.
The thread may
stretch or tangle
but it will never break.
Have a great weekend!
A lot can happen in six weeks
2 months ago
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