So we all know how I feel about ladybugs since we started the adoption and found out that in China adoptions they consider the ladybug good luck. I have adapted that mind set throughout these 28 months and have become obsessed with them. I am big on believing in things, and karma, and fate and all that so it was no stretch for me to believe that ladybugs hold some good luck for those who believe...
So guess this past Wednesday was what you could call our "good luck" day. As I was letting Skimbleshanks outside on the back deck, I was surrounded by what had to have been hundreds and hundreds of ladybugs!! They were crawling all over the deck sliding doors, and on the side of the porch, and in the windows, and on the floor, on the cat condo, all over...hundreds of them. I had never seen so many at one time. Even when you looked out in the backyard you could see them in swarms flying through the air-it was very uplifting to me and made me smile. Something I have needed in the last few weeks as I feel very frustrated again with this waiting and the stand still again.
I do believe that things come into your life in strange ways, and when you need something it does come to you. Maybe not in the way you thought it would but if you are paying attention and willing to read the signs, and be open and accepting you will see it and you end up being in the "right" place at the "right " time.
Things happen for a reason...right?
Did you have any good luck visitors this week? I hope so...
Luck & Love,
A lot can happen in six weeks
2 months ago
We had lots of little Averys too.
Yes, we're loaded with them. I'm so glad they came your way this week. You are so right that you get what you need. God gave you a little "pick me up". Enjoy! I'm praying that you have peace during your wait. I can't begin to understand 28 months, but I do know the tug on your heart and the ach to hold that little child. I'll pray even harder!!
Love ya!
We call them "Averys" too Heather and actually our families do too!! :) They make you smile!!
Thanks Christa!! I'm just very frustrated lately. I'm back in the swing of things at work and everything is going really well. The kids are good and the studio is great besides the furnace, and the leaky ceiling. The dancers are great!! So I think because work is going so smooth I have more time to know how slow the wait is...
But I loved all the visitors on the back deck this week. And now they are in the house and still around outside also. Gary said a "Avery" landed on his shoulder yesterday while they were taking down the tree in the front yard...:)
Thanks for the support!!
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