It's the 3rd of December. Our LIDversary!! I must say though between November and December the time for that month just flew!!! So that's really good I hope the next 9 months fly by too!!!
So we are at 29 months in. I am going with my next goal being 36 months to get too, and probably 9-10 months before we get really close to a referral (fingers crossed, and anything else you can cross to help us out).
Our dossier has been in China for 914 days!!!! 914 days...WOW!!!!!!!!!!
Let's see a elephants gestational period is what...28 months (It might be 22 months)? I think. So we're longer than that. If we could conceive the normal way we could have had at least 2 children by now. That's depressing.
I'm going to make a list of things that can get done or happen before you receive a referral in the China Adoption Program. After the show though...
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We sure did. Went to Indiana, visited family, had 31 people at the Thanksgiving table. Visited with my Aunt Julie & Uncle Dale from Michigan, and their children who are now all grown up and have children of their own. Haven't seen them in years, it was so nice.
Took out my quilt squares to ask my Aunt and cousin Joanna how to get started and Mom and I are going to start after the holidays putting the squares together. So if you owe us fabric please get it to us as soon as possible.
Gary and I have almost got our Christmas shopping done. We have 3/4 of it done. I love Christmas shopping in Indiana. My Mom and my sister-in-law Liz, and my niece Jessica and myself did the Black Friday thing in Indiana. It was nuts!!! I think it was worse there than it was here last year when Gary and I went. But we had fun. Got up at 3:30AM and went shopping was home by 8:00AM. Then we went to Shipshe for the day-I love Shipshewana Indiana!!!!!!!
So we've been really really busy. Our Christmas Show is this week!! The dancers are doing great!!
Putting up the trees on Sunday!!!
At least this time of year we are super busy and don't have time to think about the 914 days that our dossier has been in China. But I did figure that up this morning...I was curious.
We did get Avery some stuff for Christmas. Can't help it...
With the faint view of a daughter in the distance, and the many hopes and wishes, and dreams of Christmas' to come with little feet romping around the house, and the giggles that I long to hear, I know she's coming, and the anticipation overwhelms me sometimes.
So, we will put her gifts unwrapped under the tree again. We will wait for the day when we will actually wrap gifts for her and be able to see the surprise in her eyes, and see the wonder in Christmas again... as a family.
That's my wish...
Love to all!
Happy Holidays!!
A lot can happen in six weeks
2 months ago
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