Monday, November 23, 2009

CCAA News...

Here's the update for November...

They have finished reviewing dossiers up to December 2007.

Remember our LID is 7/3/07...(We have been in the matching room for awhile, and will still be there for awhile in the pile)

They have made placements to families with dossiers (LID's) up to March 2006. That's not bad... Those 2 dates are closer than I remember in previous updates. We still are hopefully expecting to hear next Fall/Winter, we'll just have to see. That's a little encouraging!!! Things were not making any movement or progress in quite sometime. Maybe the new director of the CCAA will help things out!!

We haven't gotten an update from our agency in quite awhile. I wish they would send out an announcement even if there's no news. That's the only thing about them that drives me nuts!!!

Well, I'm hoping things keep getting closer...

Here's a list of the groups that need to go before us with their referrals at our adoption agency:

1.April ‘06-This is where they (The CCAA) are right now...
2.May ‘06
3.June ‘06
4.July ‘06
5.September ‘06
6.November ‘06
7.January ‘07
8.March ‘07
9.April ‘07
10.June ‘07-This is us!!!!!
11.October ‘07
12.December ‘07
13.April ‘08
14.August ‘08
15.November ‘08

Their are 9 groups of families that need to get their referrals before we get ours (these are just people at our agency, does not include other people from around the world). It depends how fast they get through the dossiers for each month. One month could take 3 months, or in 1 month they could do more than 1 month worth of all depends.

Hope that helps a little for everyone to see where we are are in waiting. Still quite a wait but going on 29 months in another week...please keep us in your prayers that we may see a speed up in the process...

Have a great day!!!



Anonymous said...

About how long does it take them to go over 3 months for the placement? Do you think you will be matched by Christmas time?
Praying for speed on China's end.
Love, Heather& Don

Gary and Allison said...

No, our LID is 2007, and they are only up to people who's LID's are in March 2006. So they are still 16 months off. But it depends on how far they get each month. We haven't heard of any news since the beginning of October. So this is good news, even though it doesn't sound like it. We are getting there. We are hoping for next Fall/Winter...fingers crossed!!


Unknown said...

The CCAA updated their website today that they have reviewed dossiers up through Feb 2008. So, at least the review room is moving along! The long wait led us to reconsider the special needs program. We are hoping to be matched through that program very soon.
LID 7/23/2007

Anonymous said...

Oh, that stinks. I didn't even look at the year, and didnot count July beause it is in the beginning. We hope that speed will be on your side for the remainder of your time.

Love, Heather & Don