Thursday, April 8, 2010

A conversation...

Here is a conversation I had with my niece Jodi the day before Easter. We were walking through Wal Mart just the two of us together hand in hand.
I think of this conversation all the time and it makes me giggle...

Me: "So what do you think about having a cousin from China?"
Jodi: "I like it, it's pretty cool!"

Jodi: "How old is Avery"
Me: (picking up an outfit the right size in the baby department and holding it up) "Avery will be this big when we get her."
Jodi: "Wow, she's gonna be that small?"
Me: "Yup"
(Jodi has a big smile on her face)

Jodi: "Where is she?"
Me: "She's in a special place where they are taking care of her until Uncle Gary and I can go get her."
Jodi: "Oh, so she'll probably be speaking Chinese when you get her!"
Me: "No, she'll be young enough that she won't be speaking Chinese"
Jodi: "Ah Man, I wanted her to teach me!!"

I giggled at that one. Jodi wanted Avery to teach her to speak Chinese and was disappointed to find out that she will be too young to teach her..."AH man!"

Enjoy your day!!


Unknown said...

Love it.Makes me laugh. They are excited. They went to school and told their friends they are going to have a chinese cousin. They are loving it.

Gary and Allison said...

That's great!! :)