Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monday Madness update on Tuesday...

 Okay so I'm late again on my weekly update, maybe I should change my day of the week that I do this on...we'll see.

Avery continues to do well, and is teething again. She had 2 days this time where she was really uncomfortable, poor little duffer. But she is doing much better this week. She is climbing everywhere, and trying to stand on everything. She's a strong little girl that's for sure. We had to put her Ni Hao Kai Lan car away for a few weeks because she would want to stand on the seat instead of sit on it, and wouldn't listen to us saying no, so it's put up for a few weeks. Her reach continues to grow farther and farther each day, we think something is put far enough away and then find out it's not...little bugger!!

We had a celebration for Gary's Grandparents over the weekend. It was their 68th Wedding Anniversary. We had it in Mexico at Aunt Nancy and Uncle Tom's. Avery slept in the car on the way down. She wasn't very enthused about waking up in a different place, and that combined with her teething, and all the people in a small space. Let's just say she cried for the first 90 minutes we were there. She was okay if we went outside, but if we came into the house she started whimpering again.

After her 90 minutes on Mommy's shoulder she warmed right up and charmed everyone!! She sat with Aunt Nancy, and let Uncle Tom throw her up in the air. She didn't care much for the Halloween decorations in the house, but she would just take a different path around them. She loved their huge sheep dog Karlie. She kept on barking when she saw her. They had a pumpkin hunt for the kids outside, and then they traded their pumpkins in for different things after the hunt. Avery got Halloween socks, and legwarmers, pringles, a pez dispenser, a puzzle, and a tutu. It was like Christmas!! All the kids had a lot of fun!! Thanks Aunt Nancy & Uncle Tom!!

She is adjusting really well, but in social situations with a lot of people and if it's loud, she gets a little scared and overwhelmed. It's to be expected that it will take a little while to get her used to everyone and to new places etc. We will take our time to get her used to it. We've only been together 3 months today on the 19th, so although she is almost 17 months old, as a family we are only 3 months old. We just have to be mindful of that.

Other than that we're just hanging around the house enjoying being a family!!

The picture is Avery with her favorite Teddy Bear, the one Aunt Nancy gave her!!  :)

Have a great week!

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