We've been so very busy lately that I am hardly ever on the computer, or on my phone at all. So I thought since the ladybug was down for a nap, and Gary was back to work full time this week, I would catch people up a little with our Monday Madness.
Avery is doing very well!! She is such a blessing to our lives. We are both tired, and trying to figure out the Fall schedule a bit and neither one of us want to go back to work, but for us that's not a reality so we're working on it.
Avery has been sleeping through the night now for a little over a week. She may wake up for a few minutes now and again but goes right back to sleep on her own. The rashes on her legs which were really bad eczema are just about all cleared up. She will have some scarring on her legs due to the fact they didn't take care of it properly but it should fade over time. She has had her first round of shots/vaccinations, she was a real trooper during the 4 shots she had to have. She'll have to go back in October for some more rounds of shots. We had blood work done, that was just as hard on Mommy as it was on her. I cried while I held her, she reached out for Gary's hand, and as soon as we stood up she was fine. We had to deliver a stool sample as well, all tests for her stool, and the results so far on her blood work have come back fine-no problems.
We did take her in to the doctor's last Friday. She was getting these pimple like blisters on her hands and feet, so we went to get them checked out. It's called acropustulosis. It's nothing to worry about, the doctor knew exactly what it was. She will grow out of it, and she may have it off and on up to age 2. She's only the 2nd case the doctor had seen in 13 years. Our girl is unique.
She is still eating really good-like a horse. She is now drinking whole milk twice a day. She is walking a lot better and all over the place. Still needs some help, but she is learning how to get herself up off the floor. She can take a good 6-8 steps on her own when she's got her balance. Avery loves music, whenever a song with a distinct beat come on she bounces her knees, and sways her hips from side to side and moves her head to the music, she dances already! She even does it in her car seat, it's hilarious to watch. She also loves to sing, all the time!! She now says Mama, and Dada, sometimes Baba for Daddy. I swear I've heard her say hello, a couple of times, and she sometimes says something like "kitty" when she sees the cats. We swear we heard her say, "I can't", the other night when we were watching Toy Story. She is also a Daddy's girl now too!!
I have to go back to work for a couple of hours this week to finish up some camps I scheduled earlier in the Summer before I knew when we were leaving for China. So I will be going to the studio for 2 hours this week Tuesday through Thursday and next week Tuesday through Thursday. The Grandmas are watching her this week and next-thank goodness for them! Then I will have 2 weeks off, and then back to the grind of the school year schedule. But I'm not starting until 4:00 each day and done by 8:15-8:30 (be home in time for bedtime), and not working on Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays. So I really can't complain...too much.
Now that we have a daughter I am not willing to give everyone my time anymore. I want to be home with Avery and Gary. We've waited so long for this, everyone is going to have to go with our schedule now, not the reverse.
But family life is going well. Avery is a happy happy girl. Makes us laugh and smile everyday, all the time...she is such a special little girl...we love her so much!!!
Life is good!!! Oh so good!!!
A lot can happen in six weeks
2 months ago
We are so happy for you all. Sounds like things are going great! I knew they would.
Enjoy the parenthood!
So happy to hear that she has adjusted so quickly. From her pictures, she is loving life as I'm sure you and Gary are too!! There is nothing that compares to being a parent. I'm so glad you two have been given such a blessing. Enjoy!!
-Erin Mayne
Loving music...of course! That was God's plan all along. That's one of the reasons He chose Avery for you! I just love the pictures...makes me feel closer to you all! Wish we could be there Sunday. Give Avery a big hug and kiss from Aunt Cathy & Uncle Larry! (And a kiss and hug for both of you too!) Love you and miss you.
Yeah she dances!! Bet you can't wait to get her into a costume. That's one of the great things about being a dance teacher and having a girl. They end up being able to get the real costumes for dress up. (I bought some for my nieces.) Glad to hear that things are going so well and can't wait to meet the ladybug!
So glad to hear Avery (and Mom & Dad) are doing so well. I know you must be so busy, thanks for sharing the update. Hope to see you both again soon. ~Kristin
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