We are home from Indiana. We went over Easter to spend time with Tommy, Liz and the girls. We had a great time. I love to go shopping in Shipshewana, it's one of my most favorite things. They have such neat shops there and you can always find something unique and different.
It snowed really hard in Indiana on Friday and it was cold and miserable, so we only did half of Shipshe that day. Shipshe is a little Amish town where just about every house is a shop-the food is always good and the people friendly. We did buy some stuff for Avery and the house. We bought this unique chime that has a gong on it. We also found a toy that is a soft play camera, and it's green and pink and when you push the button it makes the sound as if you took a picture. Very fitting since Gary takes pictures all the time and is interested in photography. We can see Avery following him around with her camera taking pictures next to Daddy. We also found a panda that had been made to look old and he was 50% off so we got him for her room. We also got some more fabric squares for her quilt and we found the quilt pattern we are going to use for her quilt. So all in all good shopping.
We had a small Easter dinner just Tom, Liz, Jessica, Jodi, Gary & myself. Really good dinner though!!! Then everyone fell asleep watching movies the rest of the day. We went to church with Tom & Liz and the girls early Sunday morning and they were putting on a musical at the church called, "The Promise"-it's their version of the passion play. It was very good!!!
We left early Monday morning and on the way home we got the phone call that we were an Aunt & an Uncle again. Steve & Beth had their 3rd child-another boy-Samuel Elliott-7 lbs. and 14 ounces, 21 inches long. He arrived at 2:51AM on Monday-Steve's birthday!! We wish all of them CONGRATULATIONS!! We can't wait to see our new nephew!!
Hope everyone had a nice Easter and Happy Spring-Hope it warms up SOON!!!
Love to all~