Saturday, September 29, 2007

New wishes added on the Quilt Blog

Finally had the time to get the latest wishes for Avery posted! Six more wishes were added. Go check 'em out!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Our 1st Mid-Autumn Moon Festival Dinner

We went to our first Moon Festival Dinner yesterday evening in Watertown at the China Buffet. I was really nervous because the only people we knew were the one family we just met a couple of weeks ago and the other I only emailed saying we would attend the dinner. You know me I'm quiet around people I don't know and have the tendency to only talk when questioned. But we felt we should go and meet people that have been through what we are doing and could give us some insight and hope and see that there is an outcome that is so worth the wait.

We arrived on time and actually at the same time as the family we knew. So Kelly took us in and started to introduce us to different people. They were so nice and inviting, and had us sit right down at their table and made us feel very comfortable right off. There were so many children there, many dressed in Chinese dresses and outfits they were all very adorable.

As soon as we entered and Kelly introduced us some people knew Judy (the cake lady) and that started up the conversations also. Some people recognized me from working at SJ with the Dance Company, there are a lot of teachers at SJ that have adopted from China (there are 3 that I know of). They all asked about our DTC and LID dates, I was so overwhelmed I had to ask Gary what our LID date was, I knew it, it is ingrained in my mind but I was nervous and couldn't think of it (what a dope).

They asked what agency and we were through and how long the wait was now (18-22 months now). A lot of them said their wait was 12 months when they went and could really understand the frustrations Gary and I feel all the time.

They all had stories about their travels to China and some of them had traveled together and some have met through get togethers. I asked how the children were physically when they received them and how the orphanages were and they all had positive things to say. They gave us great travel tips and what to not do in China and told us where they went while they were there. They all said how well taken care of the children were in the orphanages, and even though the orphanages look way under staffed you could tell the women there took really good care of the babies.

I asked how far in advance of going to China they started setting up their nurseries. The one great piece of advice given was, "whenever you are ready to do so". They all said it is like you are pregnant for 18-22 months, and you have to do that stuff because it helps the time go quicker and they said, "we're giving you permission to shop for her and to do all the stuff you want to do". That made me feel GREAT!!!!

I get looks from people when I pick something up for Avery. Some people think it's weird we call her by name even though we haven't met her yet. When I talk about the nursery or anything like that sometimes I get the look like, "why are you doing this now, you aren't going to get her for another 16 months". I get so frustrated with people, and it was great to be with other Moms and Dads that know what I am talking about, and REALLY understand.

Watching the children yesterday was great. There were babies and toddlers and I think the oldest was 9. What a future we have to look forward to. They were all so beautiful!!

I am so glad we went, we were the only family there in the waiting process, but we met some really great people and made some great friends.

The next get together for this group is the Chinese New Year in January. But a lot of the Moms said to call them or email them if we have questions or if we just want to talk. What a nice group of people they all were.

Our next function is with our adoption agency in October to meet the other waiting families. We are looking forward to that also.

Keep an eye out on the 26th of September and look at the moon- that's when it's supposed to be the fullest.

My fortune at the end of the Moon Festival Dinner from my fortune cookie was this...
"Time heals most everything...Give it time, time". Everyone at the table and Gary and I all thought it was appropriate.

Love to everyone~
Alli & Gary

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just an update

We are in the process of putting up the new quilt wishes, we received 3 yesterday. They have kinda calmed down a bit but there is still a lot of people we haven't heard from, some family and some friends. So if you are reading this and thought you couldn't send it still can. We need 100 squares for her quilt remember.

The scrapbook is getting big and I can tell it will be something that Avery will look at over and over again. All the different colors and everybody's personal touches and styles, it is beautiful!!

We are going to our first Moon Festival Dinner this Sunday. We were invited from other parents who have already adopted from China. We are very excited and I need to write down all of my questions. We have also been invited to a Kite Festival and our adoption agency is having a get together for waiting families so we can all meet eachother. It will be great to meet other families that have been through all of this and also other families who are waiting like us.

We are 2 1/2 months into the official wait!!! Yahoo!!

That's the update, keep sending your wishes and don't forget to leave comments here or on Avery's quilt blog!!!

Love to all~
Alli & Gary

Sunday, September 9, 2007

5 more wishes! We're up to 50 pages!

Another batch of wishes have been added to Avery's Quilt blog- go have a look! We now have 50 pages in Avery's scrapbook. We are debating if we are going to add a second book/"volume" because this one is getting pretty thick. :^)

If yo would like to leave a comment on any of the wishes or blog postings please do so! We love to hear back from you!

Keep the wishes coming!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

11 more wishes added to Avery's Quilt blog!

We finally had a chance to get somewhat caught up getting the wishes posted. Thank you all for sending them in- we love them all!

Besides the 11 posted tonight, we know of at least 3 more that will be going up tomorrow or the day after, so keep checking back!

Don't be afraid to comment and let us know what you think. We love to get comments too! Feel free to leave comments on the quilt blog as well!

Monday, September 3, 2007

We're behind on our wishes...SORRY!!

Just letting everyone know that we do have about 11 more wishes to post for Avery's quilt but it's been so busy the last week that we are behind. They should be up in the next few days. We've had family up the last few days (Alli's brother Tom, Our Sister in law Liz, and our 2 nieces Jessica & Jodi). We've been to the fair and down to the cottage, and Gary and I have been kayaking a lot lately. But today makes it official. We have been officially waiting 2 months for Avery (our LID was 7/3/07 and today is 9/3/07) and that seemed hopefully the next few months will fly also. Here's crossing our fingers!!

Keep the wishes and the squares coming, we would like to start looking at patterns for the quilt and we hope all who were invited to participate will send their quilt squares to us along with their wishes for Avery. We love receiving them and our first set of pages in the book are full and we will need to add more already! We've had such positive feedback about the quilt and the wishes ...we are so happy for that!

While we were at the NY State Fair we had some "signs" again. While we were in the coliseum a family came up and sat across from us, they were an American Mom & Dad with 2 Asian daughters. We were explaining to our niece Jodi that that was what Avery was going to look like(Jodi is 5 almost 6). It gave us a glimpse into our family in a couple years of having 2 beautiful Asian daughters!!(Yes, we are going to do this again)

Then, while our niece Jodi was riding the merry go round at the fair another couple was standing next to us and they had an Asian son. Not very old probably 10-12 months old. He was adorable. It looked like they hadn't been back very long from their trip. Gary wanted me to go up and ask them about it but I wasn't quite sure how to start that conversation. But it was fun to watch them and watch his reaction to the ride. He was a very content and happy little guy.

So that's been our week, we'll post the wishes soon!!! Hope everyone had a great holiday and hope everyone has a great school year!!

Love to everyone,
Alli & Gary